Properties of Pure Substances If any two independent intensive properties of a simple compressible system are defined, other properties automatically assume definite values. These properties can be expressed in terms of charts, tables or equations. This chapter covers the charts and tables of properties of steam. Pure Substances Substances of fixed chemical composition are known as pure substances Example : Water, Helium, Nitrogen, Oxygen etc. Substances exist in any one of the three phases namely solid, liquid and gas. For example, H 2 O may exist in the form ice (solid), Water (Liquid) or Steam (Gaseous). In all these phases it will have the same chemical composition. A Mixture of two or more phases of a pure substance should also be regarded as pure substance. If Water and Steam Co-exits in a container, the chemical composition of both the Vapour and liquid phases will be identical. Hence this heterogeneous system is also a pure...
Introduction of Mechanical Engineering Subjects